How to add a refund?

To record a refund follow the steps below:

Step 1. Open the job

  • Click on the Jobs menu (hammer & wrench icons) on the bottom of your screen.
  • Find the job you want to record a payment for from the list and click on it.

Step 2. Switch to Invoice tab

  • Switch to the Invoice tab from the Booking.

Step 3. Click Add payment

  • Click on the Add Payment button under the invoice.
  • You will see the Add new payment window opened.

Step 4. Enter refund details

  • Type must be set to Refund.



  • Choose the method of payment from the Method dropdown. This choice is mandatory.
  • Enter the refund amount to the Amount field.
  • The refund amount can not exceed the total amount of payments made.



Step 5. Save the record

  • Click on the Save button to save the record. It will be inserted to the table as shown below.