How to book a job?

Once you create a new job in the system, you will need to assign it to one of your staff members and schedule it. To do so, follow the instructions below:

Step 1. Open the job

  • Click on the Jobs menu (hammer & wrench icons) on the bottom of your screen.
  • Find the job you want to book from the list and click on it.

Step 2. Assign job to a staff member

  • Under the Booking tab choose the staff you want to assign the job to.

Step 3. Schedule a visit date

  • Choose a date from the Visit date.

Step 4. Reserve a time slot or slots

  • Click on the time slot(s) you want to reserve for booking.
  • You may see gray slots with city and ZIP codes, which means these slots are already reserved for the staff member chosen in another job(s) and you can’t select these slots for this staff member in the current job.
  • To cancel the booking for a job click on the reserved slot(s) and the job will be unassigned from the staff.